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Natalie’s Now Offers Functional Sports-Recovery Drink With Capsaicin

August 16, 2018: 12:00 AM EST
Florida-based juice company Natalie’s Orchid Island has debuted a functional sports-recovery formulation containing juice from cucumbers, jalapeno peppers, apples, and lemons. Cucumber Jalapeno Juice is low in sugar, and contains 60 calories per eight-ounce serving and no added sugars or artificial ingredients. According to the company, the beverage contains capsaicin from jalapenos, associated with weight loss, boosted immunity, and pain relief. Cucumbers are said to be a detoxifying agent. In addition to its sports-recovery benefits, the drink is also “a great tasting, low calorie, post-workout cocktail mixer.” 
"Natalie’s Juice Company Releases Cucumber Jalapeno Juice", Bevnet.com, August 16, 2018, © Bevnet.com
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