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New Flavor From Undercover Snacks Wins NEXTY Award As Best New Sweet

March 19, 2020: 12:00 AM EST
New Jersey-based better-for-you snack maker Undercover Snacks has expanded its line of chocolatey “crispy quinoa” snacks with a Dark Chocolate + Pomegranate flavor. Like all of its products, the new pomegranate variant is gluten- and nut-free and features crispy organic quinoa, premium dark chocolate, and pomegranate arils (seed coverings). Media company New Hope Network recently selected Undercover Snacks as a 2020 NEXTY Awards Finalist, and the Dark Chocolate + Pomegranate flavor was named Best New Sweet or Dessert. All of the company’s products are available for purchase on UndercoverSnacks.com, Amazon, and at participating retailers.
"Undercover Snacks Launches New Dark Chocolate + Pomegranate Flavor; Delicious Better-For-You-Snack Selected as NEXTY Awards Finalist", March 19, 2020, © Undercover Snacks
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